Monday, August 19, 2013

The Hennessy Concerto

I am truly honored to have had the experience to write my first Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra for my friend and colleague Glen Whitehead (Director of Music UCCS, Principal Trumpet Chamber Orchestra of the Springs.)  Many have asked me about my experience in writing the Concerto, "What inspired you...etc."  I guess being a trumpet player as I am I have always wished and thought at some point down the road I would write a Concerto for my instrument, and as many things in life it took someone asking me to do it to get it done!

So what inspired this piece of music.  I would say it was inspired by those around me.  The unconditional love and support they have offered me on my chosen career path has been one of the greatest gifts I could receive.  It was also inspired by the mountains here in Colorado where I've been for a bit now.  It has been so nice to be home for a bit and to remember my foundation as a musician and as a person.  I guess in some ways this piece of music speaks to this.  This piece is the first to be presented on behalf of our company TASHA pictures whom I have the great honor of working as the President of Music.

If you find yourself in Colorado Springs on the 14th of September 2013, I hope I will get to see you at the premiere.

More later....for now stay tuned.
